The famous person that I would met it would be Eminem. I would met him because he is my favorite rapper and I listen to a lot of his music. The thing we would do together is play video games and talk about his life and what music his going to come with next. After that we'll probably get something to eat and talk about sports and many different things and rap in general. I'd ask him how did he persevere through his life and become one of the greatest rappers of all time?. The questions I would ask him is what do you think of rap and its stage right now? Another question is what's his favorite video game? Another question is what new music are going to release or make? He is worth meeting because he is one of the greatest or the greatest rapper of all time. He also looks like a fun person to be around even though he looks serious. Another reason why I would like to meet him is in his music sometimes he could be motivating and I would ask him where do you get your motivation from for your music?
I like eminem, his music very cool