The book I read was called Steve Jobs it talked about his childhood and his adulthood until his death. Steve Jobs is adopted later in his life he would meet his original birth parents. When Steve Jobs was a kid he wasn't that much of a trouble maker when he was in school he did not have trouble he was good at all his subjects. Steve Jobs was a very meticulous person he wanted everything to be perfect and exact when making his products. When Steve Jobs was in school he met another kid named Steve Wozniak the both of them shared in interest in computers. When Steve Jobs was out of school and was working on his first official computer for Apple the first computer was built in his house garage. When Apple was very young and first founded many people thought it would not succeed. Later on in the years when Apple became. A huge success Steve Jobs was know all around the country. When Apple Entered the 21st century they made iconic devices like the iPod, iPhone, iPad. Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 he died of cancer many people were surprised of his death because he had been battling it. He will forever be remembered as the iconic face of Apple.
My personal thoughts on this book is I liked how it showed Steve Jobs life and what great achievements he had. I also like how this book compared Microsoft to Apple and it showed its prices and who was doing better at the time. I also like how it shows of how Steve Jobs impacted the world of technology and business. Steve Jobs knew he had all this money but he did it let that get to him he didn't care about the money he cared so much about Apple. In the book it talks how when he was on a vacation with his family he would always think about products and ideas for Apple. Steve Jobs looked like a person who was always stressed and unhappy but he was a happy guy who showed passion in his work.
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